The Body Code™

is a patented, revolutionary energy balancing system, intended to help you uncover root causes of discomfort, sickness, and suffering in body and spirit so you can have the opportunity to make corrections in real time.

The Body Code™

The Body Code™ is a system designed by Dr. Bradley Nelson that tests for imbalances in the body and corrects them energetically. Using muscle testing to test for what the underlying imbalance may band and then release the energies using the main meridian system. You can choose to work on any issue you have, whether it is a health challenge, an emotional issue, a lack of abundance, work you love (or want to love), or a nagging feeling of being on the wrong path.

Our bodies are complex systems of energy. The Body Code™ suggests that imbalances in this energy system can contribute to various health challenges. By identifying and addressing these imbalances, I as practitioner, will aim to support the body's natural healing processes.

The Body Code™ is a system designed to identify and address potential energy imbalances within the body. As a licensed practitioner, I can use this system to help you explore these imbalances and support your body's natural healing processes.

Here is what The Body Code™ addresses:

  • Circuit or System Imbalances: Involves organs, glands, chakras, disconnections, and meridians.

  • Toxin Imbalances: Addresses issues related to heavy metals, free radicals, electromagnetic spectrum, chemicals, and microbial factors.

  • Circuitry Imbalances: Focuses on organs, glands, chakras, disconnections, and meridians.

  • Pathogen Imbalances: Concerns parasites, fungal, bacterial, viral, and mold elements.

  • Misalignment Imbalances: Relates to bones, nerves, muscles, connective tissue, as well as organ and gland alignments.

  • Nutrition or Lifestyle Imbalances: Covers aspects like pH imbalance, foods, herbs, nutrients, dehydration, and magnetic field influences.

The Body Code™ can be used to identify potential energy imbalances, even in the absence of noticeable symptoms. By addressing these imbalances, the goal is to release blockages and promote overall well-being.